Friday, January 30, 2015

What I've Been Reading and Watching So Far This Year January 30 Version

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am going to keep track of every movie and/or TV series I watch and every book I read this year.  I think it'll be fun to have it as a list to look at later.  Because I'm lazy I may or may not write reviews of all of them.  Some of them sure, but probably not all.  If you see I've read/watched something and not reviewed it in some way and you absolutely must know what I thought, please let me know so I can gleefully ignore you.  Or I'll do my best to let you know what I thought.  Whatever.


  1. Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark A-
  2. Silver Screen Fiend by Patton Oswalt B-
  3. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss B
  4. The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss B

MoviesTV series

  1. Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit C+
  2. Broadchurch season 1 B+
  3. the Sweeney B-
  4. Kite (anime, edited version) C-
  5. Kite (live version) D
  6. Kite Liberator (anime, I didn't finish it)  I (incomplete, but probably really bad)
  7. My Neighbor Totoro A
Okay.  Time to watch some basketball.  'night kids.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

AFI 96 - Do The Right Thing

This review has been stewing in my brain pan for a few months now and I have no better grip of it now than I did when I rewatched it last year.

This film world (arguably Spike Lee's best) is currently tangled up in my noggin with Ferguson, MO, Michael Brown and New York police and Eric Garner.  And while these horrific events may lend the events of the movie gravitas, it does not help me be objective.  Who knows?  Maybe my attempt at objectivity is just me not wanting to deal with harsh truths.

Anyway, since this blog is supposed to be about me and movies, let's try to keep it simple, yeah?  I'll save the real world socio-political stuff for another day.

Here's the short and sweet review:

Do The Right Thing is a great movie.  It's about the neighborhood of BedStuy during a heat wave. The local citizenry has a bad collective day and they experience social and civil unrest due to racism and intolerance.  Spike Lee has rarely been this good.  Maybe Inside Man was directed as well as this, but not much else that he's done, if any.  It's got a few warts, but they're minor.

The cast is great, the story is simple yet powerful, the ending leaves many uneasy, and the soundtrack changed my life.

This movie has always been important, but it is now even more so.  Please watch it and enjoy it.


Up next: The Last Picture Show

AFI Top 100 thus far...

  1. Do The Right Thing B+
  2. Blade Runner B
  3. Yankee Doodle Dandy F
  4. Toy Story B+
  5. Ben Hur C-

Monday, January 19, 2015

Praying For Death, or Thoughts I Have In the Wintertime

Been awhile since I've posted and here's why:

My close friends and family already know this, but if you're neither of these (no offense) I'll explain.

I got issues.  Anxiety. Depression.  These can form a potent chemical cocktail in my wee brain that gives me problems.  It was especially bad about ten years ago, but I had mostly gotten past it.  But this last year they became acute.  I had some family issues, and the anxiety bloomed from that and the depression came next.

ANYway.  Boo hoo, my life is so hard.  I spent the last many months sorting out my shit and the more frivolous stuff (like writing this here bloggy blog) was placed on the back burner.

So here I am, writing for the first time in like totes forever but I find I have nothing to say.  Scratch that.  I have so much going on in my aging, balding dome that I don't know where to start.  Without further ado, I give you my semi-annual clearing out of my mental junk drawer!

Last week I had the flu.  Nasty stomach flu.  Thus the headline.  I was so sick at work one day, I came home and had a good cry over how sick I was.  I was snotty and barfy and I hated being sick and I hated winter and I hated that All About That Bass song.

So today I feel fine.  I'm reading a book that I may never finish (more on this in a later post) and I thought I might write something.  Yay?

I watched Broadchurch.  Is binge watching a TV series one of the coolest byproducts of technology ever?  I sure think so.  Anyway, sometimes I had to watch this show with the subtitles on because my hearing is crap and the accents just plain left me befuddled.  Really good though!  B+ good.  It was almost an A kind of thing, but there were a few story threads that didn't quite nail it.  Nothing wrong, but not quite a classic.  Olivia Coleman was awesome and Doctor Who was surly.  A well done murder mystery that shakes up the small town.  Yep, B+.

So a week or two ago Comixology had a sale on the entire run of The Boys, a hyper-violent, extra sweary take on super heroes written by a guy who doesn't much like super heroes, Garth Ennis.  I bought this series for myself for Christmas and read them while feverish which took their offensiveness to new heights.

The Boys are (from ten o'clock and counter clockwise) Billy Butcher, Wee Hughie, The Female, Mother's Milk, and The Frenchman.  They are in league to defeat super heroes run amok and it's a fun and mean spirited (if not overlong) ride.  Ennis delights in showing people at their worst and if that's what you're looking for in his books, these won't disappoint.  Debauchery runs rampant, people are varying degrees of awful, and heinous situations abound.  I give it a B-.

So there's a short-ish anime called Kite.  It's about a girl, Sawa, whose parents have been killed and her subsequently become and sex slave and assassin run by her father's former cop partner.  Dark stuff to be sure.  Some really nice animation but the story needed to be fleshed out some for my tastes.  C+, and that may be slightly generous.

I just read online that there are two versions of this.  The forty-five minute version (which I saw) that had all the sex scenes cut out, and the sixty minute version that has, well, fifteen minutes of sex scenes left in.  Do with this information what you will.

So then I find out that there's a live action version that came out just last year!  Maybe they flesh the story out!  So I add it to my Netflix queue and I when it shows up, I give it a watch.  Like a sucker, I was optimistic.  And like an sucker optimist, I was disappointed.  It's not good at all.  The parts where they had to flesh out the stories were pretty stupid.  There's some nice visuals and all, but overall it's mostly crap.  D+.

Related: It's kind of sad to see Sam Jackson in the Michael Caine phase of his career.  It seems as if he'll be in anything whether it's good or shite.  It's a bummer to see.

Oh, and there's a sequel called Kite Liberator that is a sequel, I guess?  I watched the first maybe twenty minutes and it made no sense at all and it was aggressively bad so I turned it off.  D-.

The farther this goes, the worse it gets.  Avoid!  Avoid!

Here's something that I found interesting.  Steven Soderbergh (movie director, don'tcha know) has a list of every movie/TV show/book/play/short story he watched/read in 2014.  Here's a link for you if you want to see it.  It made me want to keep a list of my own, but you know, that takes effort and stuff.  I was inclined to forget it.  Then I read Patton Oswalt's Silver Screen Fiend and in his book he has a list of every movie he watched during a four year span where he was unhealthily watching waaay too many movies.  So this has brought me back to the idea of doing it myself.  I will, from this day forward, list all the movies and books (and maybe somehow list TV shows) that I watch and/or read this year.  I'm curious to see how it turns out.  Stay tuned, more on this later.

Okay that's enough for today.  More soon.  Stay awesome, you filthy animals.