Friday, July 18, 2014

Quick Hits

Stuff I've watched lately:

The Man From Nowhere is Asian crime cinema the way I like it.  Gritty, violent, dark humor, revenge and redemption.  I cried at the end.  B+

The last time I saw Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan was a long, long time ago.  Probably on VHS.  There was so much of it I had forgotten that it was, quite honestly, like watching a new movie.  Better than I remember, even.  A small film (relatively speaking, I suppose) with big ideas and themes that were well executed.  The best of the Star Trek films by a long shot.  B+

How in the world did this movie not win every Oscar for hair and makeup?  Lookit Ricardo Montalban's fake pecs!  And his wig!  Good lord they're amazing!

And Shatner's toupee is ON POINT!  Gorgeous!  And young Kristie Alley doesn't look so bad either.

Dororo is Asian fantasy cinema the way I like it.  Nutty, non-sensical, supernatural, swords-and-magic insanity.  Unfortunately, some of the effects kinda sucked, and in many places the small budget showed up in a large way.  Mostly good, partly bad... C+

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